Check out AccountNow to manage your money with peace of mind. All of you have heard of Visa and Mastercard, but did you realize that you can benefit from prepaid service...
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Check out AccountNow to manage your money with peace of mind. All of you have heard of Visa and Mastercard, but did you realize that you can benefit from prepaid services and have all the privileges of the regular cards without the risks? AccountNow will allow you to keep your cash out of your pocket where it is not safe and carry it on a card where it is protected. Taking on the characteristics of a checking account exactly like a debit card, AccountNow prepaid cards will offer even more benefit and protection. If you are someone who accidentally has spent more money than you have, then this card if for you. Unfortunately almost everybody has done this. Sometimes bills come unexpectedly, and without the money to pay them all the sudden late charges and overdraft fees are assessed. Having a prepaid card will give you the power of a Visa or Mastercard debit card without putting you at risk. The AccountNow prepaid card will enable you to have the purchasing freedom without ever risking unnecessary fees and save you hundreds of dollars a year.