In the competitive world of nutrition, supplements and proverbial super foods, one company is kicking some serious “grass†–
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In the competitive world of nutrition, supplements and proverbial super foods, one company is kicking some serious “grass†–
Trying to squeeze in a full day’s worth of fruits and vegetables is a daunting task in today’s hustle and bustle of a work day. Amazing Grass has developed a line of organic, green super foods - most of which come in the form of powder. Amazing Grass is available at its aforementioned web site or nationally at such spots as GNC and Whole Foods.
The first inclination of skeptical consumers would be that something this healthy can’t taste good. Amazing Grass actually oversees, harvests and develops its products and everything within is completely natural. Amazing Grass offers its product in the form various flavors, including chocolate, berry and even the delectable orange dreamsicle.
Everything from Amazing Grass not only tastes delicious but affords customers a quick shot of energy, nutrition and all of its necessary fruits and vegetables in one fell swoop. One serving of the Orange Dreamsicle flavor includes 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables.
Even more than adults, kids have a penchant for picking through their vegetables and aren’t exactly clamoring for fruit. Amazing Grass addresses this issue that most parents face and developed a line of kids’ products that can easily be mixed in with water, juice or a sports drink. The powdered drink mix mixes in 32 different fruits and vegetables into one power-packed serving.
Amazing Grass isn’t just adept at producing powerful organic food; the company actually cares about its customers. They have developed plenty of interactive items including a two-week nutrition challenge and a recipe of the week. also is quick to educate its clientele about specific supplements on the market.
The two-week challenge offered by sets the table for customers and plans out two weeks of meals and progress and success can be tracked accordingly.
Amazing Grass earns high marks for mapping out a success plan for customers. The organic food company also continually is fine-tuning its products to help customers do the same to their bodies.