If you are a lover of wildlife and enjoy watching the most beautiful birds come right into your yard or up to your feeder, then you will love to come check out the produc...
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If you are a lover of wildlife and enjoy watching the most beautiful birds come right into your yard or up to your feeder, then you will love to come check out the products from Duncraft. This story began back in the early fifties with a man that put a wooden tray onto a window with a water dish and a place for seeds. The next thing you know a catalog was produced, and by the early seventies the Duncraft brand was established for the bird feeder industry. This company now has become more of a bird watching community is they provide tips and hints for attracting birds that you would love to come to your yard for a visit while also discouraging unwanted fowl that may be destructive to the habitat of other feathered friends. They have a whole host of communication blogs and newsletters available for you to talk with other bird watching enthusiasts. They take every back yard seriously and offer their expertise to guide you for purchasing the right feeders and types of seed. For a friend in the bird watching business, come chirp along with Duncraft.