started with the vision of providing the latest in designer fashions along with exceptional value, quality, and individual service. Since its inception in...
Keep Reading started with the vision of providing the latest in designer fashions along with exceptional value, quality, and individual service. Since its inception in 2002, Pink Mascara has grown from a mother-daughter dream to one of the premier national and international fashion providers. They have combined the expertise of a business expert with the eye of a former model and fashion specialist to make sure that they always have the trend setting designs. This company does not have just provide the latest trends as they set the trends themselves, and they are known worldwide for their provision of the finest fashion apparel. By 2007, they had grown in demand and opened a retail store in upscale Southern California, and since that time, have supplied many celebrities their outfits for nationally televised events. When you want to get the latest fashion apparel that the stars wear, you can count on the trend setting company located at